“wet dreams”). It is thought that during REM sleep the sympathetic system is depressed, thus thevasoconstrictorcontrol of penile blood vessels is relaxed, allowing dominance of proerectile neural innervation. The function of REM-sleep erections is probably to maintain good oxygenation of the ...
Relaxed model drying chevelure at home closeup. Woman blowing wind at wet hair. Calm woman blowing wind at wet hair alone at bathroom. Well groomed lady using blow dryer equipment looking mirror reflection at shower. Beauty routine. Author cr...
You don’t need to send her these crazy or overly witty text messages. Nor do you need to send long paragraphs of text. Sometimes, trying to be too witty or even writing long texts can kill the mood even before you get the setting right. Sometimes, the simpler they are, the better t...
Wet wrapping is a method of styling and protecting African hair. Wrapping uses the shape of your head as a giant roller to add volume and shape to your hair. This method works especially well on relaxed or straightened hair, which can be brittle and prone to breakage. You can find all ...