These tips are meant only to give you a general idea of how you might alleviate dampness and/or leaks in your basement. For serious leaking or extensive yard-levelling jobs, considering getting the opinion of a professional (or several opinions) before committing to a plan. Opinions vary, and...
Exterior waterproofing for basement walls: If you need to drain your wet walls from the outside, you must first completely expose your external basement walls. After repairing any faulty joints or plaster layers, a thick coat of bitumen is applied (referred to as a “black tank” across Europ...
Olefinis known for its water resistance and suitability for sunny areas. It’s often used in outdoor settings or damp basements due to its resistance to moisture and mold. Wooloffers natural beauty and eco-friendly benefits. While it maintains its appearance for a long time, it’s not as ...