Art. 3: Vb: «Huisartsenzorg te verlenen door een huisarts omvat genees- en heelkundige zorg naar de omvang bepaald door hetgeen in de kring van de beroepsgenoten gebruikelijk is» en «De plaats waar de zorg wordt verleend, wordt bepaald door hetgeen in de kring der bero...
Int. J. Climatol., 35, 4631- 4641, doi: 10.1002/joc.4312.Ma, S., Zhou, T., 2015. Observed trends in the timing of wet and dry season in China and the associated changes in frequency and duration of daily precipitation. Int. J. Climatol. 35 (15), 4631-4641....
题目When you,as a child,first picked up a crayon,a line might have been the first mark you make.You use lines to write numbers,symbols,and the letters of the alphabet(字母).The lines on a map help you find the best route from one place to another.You use lines ...
Recently,super gas wet and gas wet surfaces have been extensively attended in petroleum industry,as supported by the increasing number of publications in the last decade related to wettability alteration in gas condensate reservoirs.In many cases,contact angle measurement has been employed to assess ...
In this study, an air-stable bulk heterojunction organic solar cell demonstrated by utilization of titanium oxide (TiO2) nanoparticles as a hole blocking layer was prepared through high-energy grinding method. The large clumps of the anatase TiO2 underwent deaggregation to form a stable dispersed ...
Super gas wet and gas wet rock surface: State-of- the art evaluation through contact angle analysis - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/j.petlm.2021.09.004M. A. TabarA. D. MonfaredF. ShayeghFarzad BarzegarM. GhazanfariPetroleum
K.ingentaconnectJOURNAL OF PETROLOGYSakuyama, T., Nakai, S., Yoshikawa, M., Shibata, T., & Ozawa, K. (2014). Progressive interaction between dry and wet mantle during high- temperature diapiric upwelling: Constraints from Cenozoic Kita-Matsuura Intraplate Basalt Province, northwestern Kyushu, ...
WritingSuspended structures have attracted a great deal of attention in the field of micro-technology and nanotechnology for their important functions. However, the fabrication of the suspended structures is typically cumbersome and time-consuming and requires complicated processes, such as multiple ...
Ding, G.Ma, X.Hu, H.Gao, Y.FRONTIERS OF ENERGY AND POWER ENGINEERING IN CHINAPu, H., et al. 2010. "Air-side heat transfer and friction character- istics of biofouled evaporator under wet conditions." Front. Energy Power Eng. China. 4(3):306 - 312....
Allred, Brady WUniv MontanaDonnelly, John PatrickIntermt West Joint VentureChapman, Teresa BNature ConservancyMaestas, Jeremy DNat Resources Conservat ServWheaton, Joseph MUtah State UnivWhite, JeffNewmont Min CorpNaugle, David EUniv MontanaRestoration ecology...