Oregon Trail Skip Counting Game allows children to practice skip counting with a fun themed activity Dig in to history with this engaging, Wild West History Sensory Bin ideas Geography is Fun with a Salt Dough Map –learn about US geography and features as you mark the path the westward trave...
This virtual museum offers an opportunity to discover the women of the American West. The site includes brief biographies of two dozen important women. Each biography is accompanied by a student activity as well as extension activities and history standards. ...
thisactivity? ADDITIONALLINKS: Rivers,Edens,Empires:Lewis&Clarkandthe RevealingofAmerica ThomasJefferson:TheWest(exhibition) TheLouisianaPurchase:ALegislativeTimeline (presentation) PrimaryDocumentsinAmericanHistory:Pacific RailwayAct BuiltinAmericanCollection(lookhereforimages ...
in the meantime, the far west had become a field of great activity in the fur trade, which was to have significance far beyond the value of the skins. as in the first days of french exploration in the mississippi valley, the trader was a pathfinder for the settlers beyond the ...
in the meantime, the far west had become a field of great activity in the fur trade, which was to have significance far beyond the value of the skins. as in the first days of french exploration in the mississippi valley, the trader was a pathfinder for the settlers beyond the ...