SWIFT代碼WPACAU2SXXX 銀行名稱WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION 地址FLOOR 1, WESTPAC PLACE 275 KENT STREET 城市SYDNEY 銀行分行FOR ALL NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCHES 郵遞區號2000 國家 澳洲 連接可用 匯款使用Wise可以節省國際手續費,該費率比銀行便宜5倍。 接收款項使用Wise,以實際匯率收款。
3 letters or digits: branch code, optional ('XXX' for primary office) Where an 8-digit code is given, it may be assumed that it refers to the primary office. Here is the list of all the institutes having SWIFT codes in Australia.All SWIFT codes >>...
Was sind SWIFT-Codes? Ist ein SWIFT-Code identisch für alle Filialen? Brauche ich zusätzlich noch eine IBAN? Haftungsausschluss Wise hat keine Untersuchungen über den gesetzlichen Status der aufgeführten Banken und Finanzinstitute durchgeführt. ...
Find the BIC / SWIFT code for WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION in Australia here. Check your bank’s SWIFT code and get all details you need for international money transfer.
SWIFT-Code WPACAUSR oder WPACAUSRXXX Bankleitzahl WPAC –an WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION zugewiesener Code Ländercode AU –zu Australien gehöriger Code Standort & Status SR –gibt den Standort an. Die zweite Stelle 'R' steht für: aktiver Code Filialcode XXX oder keine Zuweisung...
Details of SWIFT Code # SGBLAU2S. Institution Name : ST.GEORGE BANK, A DIVISION OF WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION. City : SYDNEY. Country : Australia. Address : 55 MARKET STREET LEVEL 11. Zip code : 2000.
Westpac Banking Corporation Westpac Bank is Australia's first bank established in 1817 as the bank of New South Wales. In 1982 it became Westpac Banking Corporation. Westpac services customers throughout Australia, New Zealand and the near Pacific region as well as maintaining offices in key financ...
Details of SWIFT Code # WPACAU2S. Institution Name : WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION. Branch : FOR ALL NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCHES. City : SYDNEY. Country : Australia. Address : WESTPAC PLACE LEVEL 1 KENT STREET 275. Zip code : 2000.
The table below are the address and BSB Number for all Westpac Bank branches in Australia. Click on the BSB Number to find out the bank details, address & maps.NoBank or InstitutionStateSuburb or CityBranchStreet AddressBSB Number 1 Westpac Bank ACT Belconnen Belconnen Shop 169 Level 3 ...
Westpac is Australia's first bank with a range of innovative financial packages to support your personal, business or corporate banking needs.