Opening times are9.00am to 5.00pm Clarence Park Toilets, Clarence Park, Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 4AT. Grove Park Toilets, Grove Park, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 2QJ – CLOSED TEMPORARILY. How much is a taxi from Weston-super-Mare to Brean?
The museum also hosts regular “Helicopter Experience Flights”. During the 15 mile flight along the local coastline passengers get the opportunity to view Weston-super-Mare and the surrounding countryside from a totally unique new angle and at the same time learn how rotorcraft work and fly via ...
Weston-super-Mare has had a Museum since 1861. The founder was William Mable, a shoemaker by trade, who came to Weston from London in 1852. Fascinated by the excavations then taking place on Worlebury, he began to put together a collection of “specimens of natural history”. His aim was...
Winter opening times Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 10am to 5pm. Markets 2nd Sat of the month Weston-super-Mare Local Producers Market, 9am to 2pm second Saturday of each month, Town Square, WSM. A great place to shop for good quality local produce - venison, pork, lamb, farmhouse ...
前往大码头,探索威斯顿苏珀马的海滨。游览这适合步行的地区的水疗和商店。大码头 韦斯顿超级马里海滩 威斯顿苏珀马之旅期间,何不前往韦斯顿超级马里海滩度过一个悠闲的下午?漫步于当地海滨和美丽的海滩。韦斯顿超级马里海滩 国际直升机博物馆 威斯顿苏珀马之行期间,您可以找一个下午在国际直升机博物馆参观展览。 在这休闲...