In 1938 the Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation published a history of the company’s first 50 years, titled: Measuring Invisibles The Fifty-Year Record of the World’s Largest Manufacturer of Electrical Measuring Instruments The information below is reproduced from page 15 of the book. ...
Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation was founded in 1888 and began to manufacture portable direct-current meters. At that time, the electricity power industry emerged in Japan, and in 1888, the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) was also established. Many Weston meters were import...
W., (Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation). Nov. 28, 1929. Cells; arrangement.-A standard cell of the Weston type is provided with means for preventing the mercurous sulphate depolarizer 7 from coming into contact with the metal terminal 2. As shown in Fig. 1, a cork disc 8 having a...
1. A device for mounting a liquid crystal display (LCD) to a circuit board having a conductive pattern for applying electrical signals to corresponding conductors on a surface of said LCD, said device comprising: a holder positioned between said LCD and said circuit board, said holder including...