Westmoreland County Housing Authority Weighs Land SaleWestmoreland County Housing Authority officials want to decidesoon whether to unload property...By Cholodofsky
This is a single family home. This home is located at W City, Westmoreland City, PA 15692. Facts & features Show more Services availability No Data Price history DateEventPrice 10/1/2019Sold$108,000 Source:Public Record Public tax history ...
Westmoreland County Housing Board Hires Pittsburgh Law Firm for ProjectThe Westmoreland County Housing Authority has hired a Pittsburgh law firm to oversee the potential development of its 55-acre headquarters site in Hempfield.Cholodofsky, Rich
Westmoreland County Housing Authority to make units more energy- efficientRich Cholodofsky
Uses for Westmoreland County Housing Authority land to be examinedRich Cholodofsky
Westmoreland County Housing Authority to Take over Derry Senior FacilityRead the full-text online article and more details about "Westmoreland County Housing Authority to Take over Derry Senior Facility" by Himler, Jeff - Tribune-Review/Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, June 1, 2009By HimlerJeff...
Westmoreland County OKs Housing of Philly InmatesRead the full-text online article and more details about Westmoreland County OKs Housing of Philly Inmates.Cholodofsky, Rich
Bond sale to put $6 million energy savings Westmoreland County Housing Authority project in motionRich Cholodofsky
Westmoreland County Housing Authority hoping to buildWestmoreland County Housing Authority will know this summer if it can begin its first new construction project in decades.Cholodofsky, Rich
Housing Authority Buys Offices for $1.6M; the Westmoreland County Housing Authority Will Move Its Headquarters to a Three-Story Office Building on Seven Acres It Recently Purchased for $1.6 Million on South Greengate Road in Hempfield. [Derived Headline]...