Westminster School分为Under School和Great School,Under School招收7-13岁的男孩,Great School招收13-18岁的男孩、女孩(16岁以上招收女孩)。 Westminster School(威斯敏斯特公学)不仅仅是一所拥有自由教育传统的学术型学校,其学术成绩更是享誉全球,自2010...
地址: Westminster School, 17 Dean’s Yard, London SW1P 3PB 邮编: SW1P 3PB 地区:伦敦 电话: 020 7963 1003 网站:www.westminster.org.uk 学生人数:共746名学生, 13年级学生共193人
Westminster School 威斯敏斯特学院官网:http://www.westminster.org.uk Westminster School is an independent day and boarding school in London, England, located within the precincts of Westminster Abbey. With origins before the 12th century, the educational tradition of Westminster probably dates back ...
Westminster City School is a comprehensive school for boys, with a mixed sixth form, located in the heart of London, close to Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament.
Dulwich Prep London Dulwich Prep London前身为Dulwich College Preparatory School,是位于英国伦敦南部德威的一所独立预备学校,招收 3-13 岁的男孩,设有男女同校的幼儿园。 尽管距离很近,关系也很密切,但Dulwich Prep London与德威公学(DulwichCollege)没有...
School is one of London’s leading centres for professional business education. Offering a wide range of innovative and practice focused programmes including MBA, professional and executive education courses.The School has a large and diverse academic body with extensive business, consultancy and ...
[Read More About St Paul’s Cathedral School…] Top Private Independent Secondary Schools & Colleges In London, UK Some of the best Independent Secondary schools and colleges and Sixth Form schools and colleges in London, Great Britain providing a top-tier, world-class British day and boarding ...
学校名称: 威斯敏斯特大学 学校类型: 预科 学校性质: 公立 所处位置: 英格兰 创校时间: 1838 在校学生: 官方网址: http://uk.syqet.com/ 课程设置: 学校简介 威斯敏斯特大学(University of Westminster)是位于英国伦敦的一所公立研究型大学,前身是于1838年创建的皇家理工学院(the Royal Polytechnic Institution),...
所在城市:London 大學總人數:23,160 人 國際生比例:14% 學制:學期制 預估學費:£14,400 ~ 15,400+/year(大學);£13,500 ~ 15,500+/year(研究所) 學校官網:https://www.westminster.ac.uk/ 每天在上學途中會經過大笨鐘、倫敦眼、白金漢宮等著名景點。