Checked baggage size and weight limits still apply and fees can only be paid for through online and airport check-in. Allowance and fees will vary based on aircraft type and destination. Service fees information Overweight and oversized bags for all fares: $100-$118 Bag fees are charged in...
Westjet Encore Checked Baggage Fees 2022 - Checked Bag Weight & Size Limits The Westjet Encore Q400 Turboprops are much smaller planes than regular Westjet planes. As such, all passengers are limited to a maximum of 3 checked bags, as opposed to 4 on regular Westjet flights. ...
What is WestJet's (WS) fee for oversize baggage? WestJet (WS) will charge $75.00 CAD / $88.50 USD extra for bags that are from 63 to 80 linear inches or from 158 to 203 centimeters. Bags greater than 80 linear inches or 203 centimeters will not be accepted as checked baggage / ho...
Guests booking an EconoFlex fare may check one (1) bag at no additional charge, subject to overweight and oversize fees. EconoFlex guests bringing a second piece of checked baggage will be charged a fee of $50 when selecting the pre-paid baggage option at time of booking, a fee of $60...
Travelling with more than 2 checked bags? Checked baggage size and weight limits still apply and fees can only be paid for through online and airport check-in. Allowance and fees will vary based on aircraft type and destination. Service fees information ...
Travelling with more than 2 checked bags? Checked baggage size and weight limits still apply and fees can only be paid for through online and airport check-in. Allowance and fees will vary based on aircraft type and destination. Service fees information ...
Travelling with more than 2 checked bags? Checked baggage size and weight limits still apply and fees can only be paid for through online and airport check-in. Allowance and fees will vary based on aircraft type and destination. Service fees information ...
Travelling with more than 2 checked bags? Checked baggage size and weight limits still apply and fees can only be paid for through online and airport check-in. Allowance and fees will vary based on aircraft type and destination. Service fees information ...
Travelling with more than 2 checked bags? Checked baggage size and weight limits still apply and fees can only be paid for through online and airport check-in. Allowance and fees will vary based on aircraft type and destination. Service fees information ...
Travelling with more than 2 checked bags? Checked baggage size and weight limits still apply and fees can only be paid for through online and airport check-in. Allowance and fees will vary based on aircraft type and destination. Service fees information ...