HBO Max is developing a series adaptation of the classic children’s mystery “The Westing Game.”The project has been given a script-to-series order at the streaming service, with MGM/UA Television attached to produce. MGM’s recent slate includes “Fargo,”“The Handmaid’s Tale,”“Viking...
The Westing Game: Directed by Terence H. Winkless. With Ray Walston, Ashley Peldon, Diane Ladd, Sally Kirkland. The tenants of the Sunset Towers must compete to learn who killed an eccentric millionaire and win a $20 million inheritance.
“The Westing Game” previously received the screen-adaptation treatment with a 1997 made-for-tv movie starring Ashley Peldon, Diane Ladd, Sally Kirkland... See full article at The Wrap 9/9/2020 by Reid Nakamura The WrapHBO Max Hands MGM Script To Series Order For Adaptation Of Mystery ...