印第安纳波利斯威斯汀酒店 (The Westin Indianapolis) 4等级(最高为5等级) 241 W Washington St, 印第安纳波利斯市中心, 印地安纳波利斯(IN), 美国, 46204-查看地图 住宿位于印地安纳波利斯(IN)印第安纳波利斯市中心的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮选择。 离开前,别忘了探访知名的印第安纳波利斯儿童馆...
Awesomehotel, great beds, goodbreakfast,friendly staff, and Thad at thebaris awesome. Be sure to getchips! Upvote3Downvote NikuMarch 27, 2016 Wonderful westin looking over the square.Parkingis a bit of a hassle though. Expensive. Upvote1Downvote ...
Indianapolis, The Westin offers a variety of tours that showcase the city's rich history and vibrant culture. From guided walking tours to sightseeing bus tours, guests can easily immerse themselves in the local attractions and landmarks. Parking is made hassle-free with the hotel's valet ...