Westfield malls can be found all around the world. We have locations across Europe and the United States, so you are never far from an exceptional shopping experience. No matter where you are, you can take advantage of the latest fashion, food, leisure, entertainment, and events at any of ...
United States: Westfield World Trade Center (April 19-22); Westfield Century City (April 20-21); Westfield Valley Fair (April 21); Westfield UTC (April 24-28); Westfield Topanga (April 27 and May 18); Westfield Annapolis, Westfield Culver City, Westfield Plaza Bonita, Westfield Southcenter ...
westfield mall of the netherlands will be an innovative, unique retail, dining, leisure and entertainment destination that will completely redefine the traditional dutch shopping centre Fashion, food & dining, leisure and experiences will inspire and delight. Enjoy superior store design, quality and ser...
Westfield Shopping Center Westfield Center点评(0条点评) 写点评 0/5分 这是一片未被开拓的处女地。写点评,留下首个旅行足迹吧,游友们一定会铭记你的贡献~ 写点评你曾经游览过这里吗?快来分享你的旅行体验吧~~ 商户信息 地址: 8145 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66112美国 类型: 综合商场 附近的...
• Learn about exclusive center services such as valet parking, reward programs and childcare List of supported malls:* Westfield Annapolis* Westfield Brandon* Westfield Broward* Westfield Century City* Westfield Citrus Park* Westfield Connecticut Post* Westfield Countryside* Westfield Culver City* ...
购物用户点评,携程攻略社区! 收集携程游友对邦代汇Westfield Bondi Junction(邦迪交界店)购物点各种评价、印象、点评,帮助到携程攻略社区的万千游友!写点评,赢取1000元携程礼品卡。要旅行,从携程攻略开始。
考虑到是傍晚和晚上参观,先驱车直奔机场东边3分钟车程的Westfield Southcenter 的foodmart吃“早晚饭”。Westfield Southcenter 那是西雅图 南边的商业中心,有target 超市、LEGO和反斗城、梅西百货和NORDSTROM。不过现在我们的“志不在买”而在吃,要尽快找到实惠的中餐填饱肚子。一顿新马风味的粉、面、炒饭共计40刀含税...
Westfield Carindale Shopping Center 0条点评 一百米以内 2 Myer 0条点评 距离0.2km 3 CHANEL FRAGRANCE BEAUTY 0条点评 距离0.3km 4 Foot Locker 0条点评 距离0.2km 5 旅游攻略导航 凯灵达旅游攻略指南? 携程攻略社区! 靠谱的旅游攻略平台,最佳的凯灵达自助游、自由行、自驾游、跟团旅线路,海量凯灵达旅游...
考虑到是傍晚和晚上参观,先驱车直奔机场东边3分钟车程的Westfield Southcenter 的foodmart吃“早晚饭”。Westfield Southcenter 那是西雅图 南边的商业中心,有target 超市、LEGO和反斗城、梅西百货和NORDSTROM。不过现在我们的“志不在买”而在吃,要尽快找到实惠的中餐填饱肚子。一顿新马风味的粉、面、炒饭共计40刀含税...
购物镇睡帽酒店(Nightcap at Shoppingtown Hotel) 4.1分 (77条点评) ¥-1起 距离311米 立即预订 东卡斯特西菲尔德Airbnb共享房屋(Doncaster Westfield Airbnb Shared House) 3.7分 (3条点评) ¥-1起 距离394米 立即预订 唐卡斯特墨尔本奢华别墅酒店(Melbourne Luxury Villa at Doncaster) 4.5分 (暂...