(Placename) an island in the E central Philippines, separated from S Luzon by the San Bernardino Strait: the third largest island in the republic. Capital: Catbalogan. Pop: 641 124 (2000). Area: 13 080 sq km (5050 sq miles)
Distributions in Australia of plant species THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES is essential to avoid confusion of identity. For example, the colloquial name "couch grass" may refer to species from any of the genera Agropyron, Cynodon, Digitaria or Paspalum. these belonging to widely different groups of...
Scientific nameCommon nameVariety% of mixPLS/acrePLS of bagg/plot Setaria leucopila Bristlegrass Catarina blend 0.1 0.4 0.7500 0.194 Bouteloua repens Slender grama Dilley Germplasm 0.1 1 0.7930 0.460 Trichloris pluriflora 4-flower trichloris Hidalgo Germplasm 0.1 0.1 0.8169 0.045 Trichloris crinita ...
However, perennial grasses, forbs, and shrubs are the primary forage for rangeland livestock. The natural range vegetation depends mainly on rainfall, which varies greatly from year to year and in its distribution during the rain season. The various range types are closely associated with edaphic ...
Then concentrate your attention in your light again and let it rise up over the grass and the buildings. Pause every now and then to look around so you always know where you are. Allow your light to rise over your immediate surroundings, up over the country, above the path of jet ...
Grass The Wind The Flanders Road Marguerite Duras The Lover Four Novels Robert Pinget Fable The Libera Me Domine That Voice Michel Tournier The Ogre Friday Marguerite Yourcenar Coup de Grace Memoirs of Hadrian Jean Follain Transparence of the World: Poems Yves Bonnefoy Words in Stone Great Britain...
In some embodiments, the plant is wheat, corn (maize), soybean, cotton, cassava, potato, sweet potato, bananas, citrus, strawberries, tomato, coffee, carrots, peppers, turf grass, or greenhouse ornamentals, taro, oats, barley, cereal rye, breadfruit, pea, rice, yams, garbanzo (chickpea),...
(Placename) a disputed region of NW Africa, on the Atlantic: mainly desert; rich phosphate deposits; a Spanish overseas province from 1958 to 1975; partitioned in 1976 between Morocco and Mauritania who faced growing resistance from the Polisario Front, an organization aiming for the independence...
(Placename) SeeSamoa1 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 West′ern Samo′a n. the former name of the country ofSamoa. ...