---International & Exchange Student Centre,国际和交换学生中心,会定期举办社交活动,帮助国际学生融入加拿大的生活;还专门雇了一个移民顾问,给打算申请移民的国际学生提供免费咨询服务; ---Writing Support Centre,帮忙改论文语法,教写作技巧,如何安排毕业论文等; ---Student Success Centre,教学生写简历,面试,找工作...
小贴士:书单一般在开学前才会公布,我们届时会在Easy London的新生群里提醒大家,大家也要多留意student center的信息更新哦~ 解锁西大书店 UWO Bookstore 每一门课所要用的textbook大家都可以在书店买到。实体书店在University Community Centre (UCC)地下一楼,大家可以选择在书店直接购买,或者在线上购买然后去书店领取(...
The Western Student Recreation Centre, one of the largest of its kind at a Canadian university, was made possible in part through the largest student donation at a Canadian school in history. The university is located in London, Canada – a safe, vibrant and welcoming community of more than ...
韦仕敦大学(University of Western Ontario),是位于加拿大安大略省伦敦市的一所国际顶尖的医学博士类公立大学,可简称为UWO、Western或者Western Ontario。它的商科最为出名,是北美案例法教育的两大发源地之一。
We have an International Student Work Opportunities Program (ISWOP), which is a work-study program for international undergraduate students designed to provide financial assistance through paid part-time employment on-campus. The program provides international undergraduate students with the opportunity ...
韦仕敦大学 (Western University),又名西安大略大学(The University of Western Ontario),加拿大公立研究型大学联盟U15的创始成员,坐落于加拿大安大略省伦敦市。 韦仕敦大学是一所历史悠久的高等学府,始建于1878年,拥有超过140多年的学术积累及人力资源背景,在全球高等教育机构中排名前1%。 大学拥有4万名学生,包括...
UWO毕业典礼 休伦大学学院 学院简介 创建于1863年的休伦大学学院(Huron University College)是加拿大最古老的大学之一,也是加拿大顶级学府韦仕敦大学的创建院校。校园坐落在韦仕敦大学的核心地带,与韦仕敦大学中心社区(University Community Centre)隔街相望十分便捷。作为韦仕敦大学的创始学院,休伦大学学院是加拿大顶尖大学...
Western Ontario Debating Society, the oldest student association at the university and one of the largest debating societies in Canada, the largest undergraduate pre-medical club in Canada (UWO Pre-Med Society), and student political clubs such as the UWO Tories and Campus Coalition For Democracy....
brainscan.uwo.ca About Western University Western University focuses on cognitive neuroscience research through its BrainsCAN initiative. The initiative offers programs and funding opportunities aimed at understanding brain functions and addressing neurological conditions. BrainsCAN primarily supports the academic ...
Western Student Recreation Centre459 米 Thompson Arena365 米 西安大略大学工程系595 米 Beryl Ivey Library349 米 West Lions Park1.99公里 Medway Valley Heritage Forest1.91公里 Ross Park1.93公里 C.B. "Bud" Johnston Library368 米 UWO Alumni Field573 米 Banting House National Historic Site4.07公里 Lond...