I’m writing to update you on an important change to our phased return to campus timeline and a plan to give each of you a little extra and well-earned personal time. As you’ve likely heard, the province announced it is extending the state of emergency for an additional four weeks unti...
晚上7点到凌晨3点可以叫saferide点到点服务 ,全天24小时可以要求police陪你走,平时自己注意一些的话问题不大。另外学校及周边出了事故都有邮件alert,比较透明。遇到大一点的事,比如之前复活节脸书直播的那个(2017年复活节周末,克利夫兰一名男子将自己枪杀一名70岁老人的视频上传在Facebook,并在直播中声称自己已经杀害了...
Fleeing robbery suspect shot during pursuit ; Three suspects led police on chase to Missouri Western campusMarshall White
To obtain a copy of the annual crime statistics security report and the fire safety and on-campus student housing report, please contact: Edward J. McSheffery Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police PennWest University at California 250 University Ave., Campus Box 40 California, PA 15419-139...
Police found no evidence of a discharged weapon and lifted lockdown a few hours later. Alison GoOct. 22, 2008 Western Kentucky’s New DUI Program In order to slow an increasing number of DUIs on campus, Western Kentucky University police are starting a program that will reward designated driv...
The advisory said police officers responded to suspicious activity outside Haggard Hall on Monday and questioned two men. Authorities arrested Danneker, while the second man had reported the incident and was unaffiliated with the university, the outlet said. ...
Campus life Students who choose to live on campus are housed in six residence halls. Safe and comfortable, with 24/7 University Police presence and full security systems, accommodations range from classic dorm room living to full apartments. Students can have their cars on campus, where there is...
“This campus is supposed to feel like home,” OPS Director Derek Watts said, wearing a blue police uniform. Furthermore, Watts offered some safety tips students can follow. He said students should be aware of their surroundings when walking across campus. ...
A day after the shootings, the rain-soaked campus was nearly deserted a week after classes had ended. Yellow crime-scene tape was strung around the building and a police cruiser guarded the shattered glass back door that the gunman had busted through. A few bouquets of flowers and a planter...
学校名片 Case Western Reserve University凯斯西储大学成立于1967年,由1826年的西储大学和1880年的凯斯...