Promotional fx rate applies to first online transaction up to 2000 USD. If your first online transaction exceeds 2000 USD, regular rates will apply to the entire transfer. Limited time offer. Rates shown are for bank-to-bank transfers and are subject to change. Western Union makes money from...
Exchange rates and fees per currency for Western Union CurrencyShould arriveTransfer feeExchange rateRecipient getsSending 1,000 GBPSending with USDUS dollar - 1.99 GBP 1.25007 1,247.58 USD Cheaper in 10 hours Save 7.20 USDSend with Wise...
我们采用加密和防欺诈措施,帮助确保您通过 Western Union 进行汇款的安全性。 速度和透明度 在几分钟内完成汇款* ,便于快速提取现金,并轻松跟踪汇款状态。 只需输入JPY金额,即可转换为BBD。 覆盖全球 我们平均每秒进行 25 次汇款,可将资金从日本汇往全球 200 多个国家和地区。