1 Receive money From 1 to 20 January 2023, receive money with Western Union through the Weihuikuan mini program on the Weixin app for a chance to win a 10 RMB red packet* online. Take note that eligible participants may only win once for their first transaction during the promotion period...
From 1 January to 31 March 2023, send or receive any amount with Western Union through Postal Savings Bank of China’s mobile banking service within the promo period. Each valid money transfer (send or receive) will earn you one entry in the draw. You could also win more than once throug...
For Western Union, of course, national and international exposure is a natural stop. For what started as a purely local enterprise -- all members of the group have their roots firmly implanted in Manitoba soil -- has gradually developed into a province-wide career that is as impressive as it...
5. Add the receiver details. 6. Enter your information (if it is your first time, we’ll ask you to upload an image of your government-issued ID on both sides and a selfie). And now you can provide your phone number at any Cencosud, Jumbo, or Santa Isabel store and pay with cash...
Each valid money transfer will earn you one entry to the draw. You could also win more than once throughout the entire promo period. 2 See if you won Afer completing the money transfer, eligible participants can enter the sweepstake and they will see their results immediately on the same we...
1 Send money to an Alipay user From 1 to 31 January 2023, a sender’s receiver will get a chance to win a 40 RMB online red packet¹. To qualify, senders simply need to send 2,500 RMB or more with Western Union to an Alipay user. ...
Created with Sketch. We encrypt your transfers We are commited to keeping your data secure 通过西联和微信收款享奖励金 1 收款 2023年1月1日至1月20日,通过微信APP的微汇款小程序完成西联收款有机会获得10元奖励金*。 活动期间,符合资格的客户仅能获得一次奖励金。
抽奖礼品*有哪些? 礼品名称*每月礼品数量 福临门粮油组合(平安福稻米500g&妙惠家劲面挂面500g&小黑葵花籽油300ml)200 黄小厨 拾光系列旋转果蔬篮HXC-S-G012200 博堡 尚佳便捷带提手保温杯 蓝色 480ml(含彩盒包装)200 腾讯视频会员卡(月卡)200 芒果视频会员(月卡)200 ...
2023年1月3日至3月31日,通过中国光大银行手机银行完成西联收款。 每笔有效交易为您获得一次抽奖机会。活动期间,单个客户可以获得多次中奖机会。 客户完成收款交易时即可参与在交易完成页面提供的有奖转盘活动,并立即得知抽奖结果。 获奖客户将被引导至中国光大银行手机银行的‘我的权益’领取奖励。
1 汇款给支付宝用户 2023年1月1日至1月31日,汇款给支付宝用户的汇款客户,您的收款人完成汇款本金不少于2500人民币的收款即有机会获得40元支付红包¹。本活动仅适用新客首笔有效汇款。 2 收款人可获得40元支付红包 收款成功后您的收款人可收到支付宝推送的通知信息,并由信息中提供的入口进入红包领取页面。