西悉尼大学乡村酒店 - 帕拉玛塔校园(Western Sydney University Village- Parramatta Campus)青年旅馆 Corner of Pemberton Street and, Victoria Road, 帕拉玛塔市, 澳大利亚显示地图 西悉尼大学乡村酒店 - 帕拉玛塔校园坐落于悉尼帕拉马塔,距离曲多斯班克竞技场和雅高体育馆不到 10 分钟车程。 此青年旅馆距离怀特湾邮轮...
硕士毕业典礼前与Western Sydney University标志合影留念 西悉尼大学有很多校区,这是我就读的翻译专业的Ban...
所属地区:University of Western Sydney Locked Bag 1797 Penrith South DC NSW 1797 Austrilian 西悉尼大学是澳大利亚几所较大的的公立大学之一,位于澳大利亚东岸新悉尼市,在全悉尼总共有Bankstown campus、Blacktown campus、Campbelltown campus、Hawkesbury campus、Parramatta campus、Penrith campus等7个校区。大学共有370...
你从校区分布就能看出服务人群。从常年招casual lecturer就可以看出这就是个搞培训的地方。你看看校区分布...
Western Sydney University Village has a variety of modern six-bedroom apartments located on the University of Western Sydney’s Parramatta campus. You can rent the whole apartment or a single bedroom and still enjoy the shared lounge and kitchen facilities. Opened in 2009, apartments feature modern...
1.1. Các campus chính của Đại học Western Sydney Đại học Tây Úc sở hữu mạng lưới gồm nhiều khu học xá hiện đại trải dài khắp khu vực Sydney, mỗi cơ sở đều mang đến không gian h...
Energy minimisation was a key design driver: the University’s Parramatta campus was virtually at the threshold of its high voltage supply capacity. dwp led a highly collaborative process of open discourse, lateral thinking and eight weeks of value engineering to find innovative solutions and effic...
Join us at Western Sydney University Village! WSU campus accommodation offers, an all-inclusive on-campus living in Parramatta.
But don’t think it is limited to just one campus in Sydney. Since its establishment in 1989, starting with UWS Hawkesbury and UWS Nepean, the university has expanded to 13 campuses across Sydney and campuses in other Australian cities like Liverpool CBD, Parramatta, and Melbourne City. But ...