万众聚集的商业中心。这里有Sydney Water,德勤,Commonwealth Bank总部所在地等等。诸多政府主要职能部门所在...
Western Sydney University takes pride in being a ‘University of the People,’ with a student-centered, research-driven approach. They truly believe that in today's ever-changing world, a different kind of university is needed – one that puts people first and evolves to meet the demands of ...
硕士毕业典礼前与Western Sydney University标志合影留念 西悉尼大学有很多校区,这是我就读的翻译专业的Ban...
MBA Ranked in Top 2 percent of universities worldwide, Western Sydney University offers unlimited potential for students with the drive and determination to succeed. With one of the most comprehensive range of courses in Australia, our curriculum and approach to... ...
澳大利亚西悉尼大学(University of Western Sydney ),简称WSU,位于澳大利亚的新南威尔士州。成立于1989...
The University of Sydney - The University of Sydney Business School Australia 3. Master of Marketing Curtin Business School / School of Marketing Australia 4. Master of Business (Marketing) Queensland University of Technology - QUT Business School Austral...
The University of Sydney - Sydney School of Public Health U.S.A. 19.Master of Business Administration/Master of Public Health (MBA/MPH) Boston University Argentina 20.Maestría en Salud Pública (Posgrado de Dependencia Compartida) Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) ...
University of Edinburgh vs University of Manchester 一般资讯 业余爱好 138 未知。欢迎您提供建议值。 (University of Goettingen) 拥有多元化的课外活动,如运动、戏剧、合唱团、学术交流团等,表明大学不仅注重培养学生的学术专长,同时鼓励他们拥有的业余爱好。资料来源:该大学的官方网站,2025 ...
Case Western Reserve University University of Wisconsin–Madison 一般资讯录取设施排名荣誉助学金 58 分 73 分 为什么Case Western Reserve University优于University of Wisconsin–Madison? 被引用频率高的学者多6 ? 7vs1 全日制国际学生多7%名 ? 16%vs9% ...