1) western South China Sea 南海西部 1. Among numerous passive marginal seas,the South China Sea is one of the most complicated in formation and evolution processes,especially the activity characteristics of the structural belt in thewestern South China Sea. ...
1)western South China Sea南海西部 1.Among numerous passive marginal seas,the South China Sea is one of the most complicated in formation and evolution processes,especially the activity characteristics of the structural belt in the western South China Sea.南海的形成演化是众多被动型边缘海中最复杂的,...
Lead in the western South China Sea: evidence of atmospheric deposition and upwelling. Geophys. Res. Lett. 43, 4490-4499.Chen, M., Goodkin, N. F., Boyle, E. A., Switzer, A. D., & Bolton, A. (2016). Lead in the western South China Sea: Evidence of atmospheric deposition and ...
"The Western concept of the law of territory is really drawn up in a colonial and imperial context where you have different Western countries claiming ownership over islands, which are outside the West," Anthony Carty, author of the book titled "The History and Sovereignty of South China Sea,...
"The tribunal said, well obviously, the South China Sea islands are not rocks, but they were once rocks, and with all the weather and all the sea beating up against the rocks, they have become sand," Carty explained. "So, the Nansha Archipelago of Islands, being, for the purposes of ...
"The tribunal said, well obviously, the South China Sea islands are not rocks, but they were once rocks, and with all the weather and all the sea beating up against the rocks, they have become sand," Carty explained. "So, the Nansha Archipelago of Islands, being, for the purposes of ...
archives on the South China Sea. Professor Carty's academic findings prove that these Western governments understood the disputed islands (Nanhai Zhudao) belonged to China, but they had been bluffing for strategic reasons. Produced by Xinhua Global Service■ You may like Xiaoxijie historical and ...
We investigated the distribution of 228Ra and 226Ra in the surface water of the western South China Sea (SCS) in summer (August-September) 2007. The activities of 228Ra varied from 12.2 to 61.5 dpm/100L and those of 226Ra, from 5.6 to 14.0 dpm/100L. Their spatial distribution is char...
SouthChi na Sea Insti tute ofO ceanol ogyChi nese Academ yofSci ences,G uangzhou 510301,Chi naRecei ved1 2 M arch 2012:accepted3J ul y 2012⑨The Chi neseSoci etyofO ceanographyandSpri nger—Verl agBerl i nH ei del berg 2012Abst ractThe advanceshave been revi ew ed si nce t ...
tion;oilandgasfieldinwesternSouthChinaSea 1 概述 尽管水基钻井液体系最为广泛地应用于世界各 地的钻井作业中,然而在泥页岩的抑制性、高温高压 稳定性以及老油气田超低压地层钻进等方面依然存 在着难以克服的劣势。我公司在北部湾盆地易坍塌 区块、莺琼盆地高温高压区块以及崖城气田高温超 低压调整井三类高难度井中...