Out of the 9 employees, 2 each were from Mumbai Central, Vadodara, Rajkotand Ratlam Divisions and 1 employee is from Bhavnagar Division. The meeting was attended by Additional General Managerand Principal Head of Departments (PHODs) while the Divisional Railway Managers of the Divisions attended...
WESTERNRAILWAY MUMBAIDIVISION TENDERNOTICENo.BCT/14-15/8Dt.01/04/14DOWNLOADEDDOCUMENT 1 TENDERDOCUMENT(NON-TRANSFERABLE) NameofWork:-Virar(carshed):-OperationandmaintenanceforRO&WTPsystem 1.Typeoftender:OpenTender 2.Costoftenderdocuments:Rs.3000/- ...
The meeting was organised to understand in depth the key aspects of the proposed High Speed Rail Project between Mumbai and Ahmedabad, especially how the track maintenance system being operated by the Indian Railways. Shri Fateh Singh Meena and Shri Parimal Shinde, Addl. Divisional Railway ...
WESTERNRAILWAY MUMBAIDIVISION TenderNoticeNo:BCT/MIS/AMCofITAssetsDt:11-06-2013 Signatureoftenderer/’sDFMBCT (For&BehalfofPresidentofIndia) 1 TENDERDOCUMENT (NON-TRANSFERABLE) NameofWork:-.ComprehensiveAMCofITassetsofSr.DFM’sOfficeBCT 1.Typeoftender:OpenTender ...