However, the one that intrigued my father the most was the Mythic West. A collection of movie posters, dime-store novels, and magazine articles that transported him back to his childhood when Tom Mix, Gene Autry, and John Wayne ruled the West and every young boy’s dreams. There are also...
In my reading all those dime novels I remembered a trick a bad guy had used to defeat others during a ‘showdown’. He also had a twin set up. When faced off, he’d move his left hand outward and nearer the holster than his right hand in what looked like an amateurish and clumsy...
Wild West Weekly –Pulp or “dime” novels. Windies –Tall Tales. Winsome –Lively, cheerful, gay. Wipe Your Chin –Be quiet. Wolfer –A man with a large appetite or a hard drinker. Wolfish –Savage, savagely hungry. Wood –Saddle. Wooding-Place –A station on the banks of a river...
We have about 95% of ALL comics printed since 1960 (and many older too). We specialize in UNDER $100 items. But have a GOOD selection of over $100 items. We have Comics / Digests / Magazines / Fanzines /Treasuries / Kids books / British / Foreign / Canadian / Graphic Novels / Pape...