With password protection enabled, help keep your content private and safe using the My Passport for Mac drive’s built-in 256-bit AES hardware encryption with built-in software tools. Shop Now Keeping your precious files organized and safely backed up. With the number of digital screens increa...
The WD My Passport drive is a trusted, portable storage hard drive that gives you the confidence and freedom to drive forward in life. With a new, stylish design that fits in the palm of your hand, there’s space to store, organize, and share your photos, videos, music, and documents....
MY PASSPORT Goes wherever you do. My Passport portable storage fits in the palm of your hand — so you can bring essential content everywhere you go. Backup Scheduling Schedule backups of your photos, videos, music, and documents from your system to your My Passport drive. You set the time...
西部数据 WD)移动硬盘 USB3.0 My Passport随行版 2.5英寸机械硬盘 手机电脑外接硬盘 1TB 兼容Mac 黑色 444元(需用券) 京东 01-03 22:50 2 -- 西部数据 WD)移动硬盘2TB type-c My Passport Ultra 2.5英寸 机械硬盘 金属设计兼容Mac 679元(需用券) 京东 1分钟前 0 -- 西部数据 WD)移动硬盘 USB3.0 My ...
西数MyPassport随行SSD版固态移动硬盘对于重要的文件,支持256位AES硬件加密,使用WDDiscovery综合管理软件,在了解固态移动硬盘运行状态的同时,WDSecurity加密敏感数据能杜绝信息泄露,简直太贴心了。 习惯老哥 随着固态硬盘价格走低,曾经1元/G的梦想已经实现了,评论区里“你我,200”的声音也少了很多,没想到固态的普及这...
Western Digital My Passport II Mobile Hard Drive.The article evaluates Western Digital My Passport II mobile hard drive from Western Digital.FranklinMarcEBSCO_bspEventdv
西数My Passport Ultra 移动硬盘有着时尚而靓丽的外观设计,外壳采用金属材质,将金属质感与纹理进行结合,有着不错的设计感。硬盘采用USB-C接口,兼容USB3.0,硬盘内附WD Discovery和WD Drive Utilites等软件,可实现社群媒体连接和云端存储等服务,便于分享和管理。通过WD Backup软件可进行自动备份,防止数据丢失。硬盘有1TB...
Western Digital My Passport 便攜式硬盤在設計精良的機身中提供高達 2TB 的存儲空間。 WD 還提供一套軟件工具來管理驅動器,以及現代 USB 3.0 連接,讓驅動器發揮其全部潛力,在這種情況下,讀寫速度約為 110 MB/s。 也許最好的功能是因為 My Passport 使用 2.5" 硬盤驅動器,該裝置由總線供電,因此不需要外部電源...
Includes Google™ software– Search your drive, manage your photos, and simplify Web searches with included Google software. (Windows only) You can also opt to install the Western Digital Passport software with WD Sync and Google Software if you want to. Here’s a screenshot of the Applicati...
小巧輕便的外觀設計除了擁有大容量空間,WD My Passport便攜式流動硬碟亦附帶了WD Discovery 軟件來支援 WD Security(密碼保護)以及WD Drive Utilities,更配備WD Backup 軟件,確保用戶的重要檔案備份到My Passport 硬碟,延續了品牌的高度可靠性而且享有三年有限保養。