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Nintendo®-Licensed microSD Card for Nintendo Switch™ ความสามารถใช้งานร่วมกัน Compatible with microSDHC, microSDXC, microSDHC UHS-I, and microSDXC UHS-I supporting host devices ...
resellers and distributors are excluded from this promotion. western digital reserves the right to change or discontinue these terms at any time without notice. this offer is valid on december 17th-18th, 2022. details & exclusions offer terms discount offer valid only for 10 or more 22tb ultras...
resellers and distributors are excluded from this promotion. western digital reserves the right to change or discontinue these terms at any time without notice. this offer is valid on december 17th-18th, 2022. details & exclusions offer terms discount offer valid only for 10 or more 22tb ultras...
UHS 速度等級 3 (U3) 會指定效能選項,可以讓提供 UHS 的主機裝置支援即時影片錄製。影片速度等級 30 (V30) 的持續影片傳輸速率為 30MB/s,其指定效能選項,可以讓提供 UHS 的主機裝置支援即時影片錄製。請參見www.sdcard.org/consumers/speed。 僅針對 64GB 至 1TB ONLY:A2 效能為 4000 讀取 IOPS、2000 寫入...
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4K 串流要求行動裝置上的原生播放機支援對 4K 影像檔案進行轉碼,且受行動裝置功能、硬體和軟體元件及組態的影響。 選購 計畫 合作夥伴計畫 慈善計畫 Western Digital 資本 公司 關於我們 新聞與事件 領導統御 企業責任 隱私中心 部落格 徵才 投資者 辦公地點 與我們連絡 支援 尋求協助 資源庫 產品安全...
western digital 隐私声明处理和存储这些信息,包括我对这些信息所作的任何更改。 提交 this form is protected by recaptcha and the google privacy policy and terms of service apply. 谢谢! 我们正在查看您的请求,并将尽快与您联系。 {{productsdata.title}} {{promotiondata.bundlediscountpricedata....
Western Digital's WD_Black C50 500 GB is priced at $80, whereas the 1 TB version costs $150. By contrast, Seagate currently has 512 GB ($110), 1 TB ($150), and 2 TB ($280) options. It is noteworthy that Seagate is now offering its expansion drives with a 30% discount in the...
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