Western Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council Western Massachusetts Legal Services Western Massachusetts Library Club Western Massachusetts Regional Library System Western Massachusetts Sports Journal Western Massachusetts Writing Project Western massage western meadowlark ...
Jones PA, Cech T (2009) Colorado water law for non-lawyers. University Press of Colorado, Boulder Google Scholar Kenney D et al (eds) (2005) In search of sustainable water management: international lessons for the American west and beyond. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Google Scholar Kenney J ...
Levy was named the Executive Director of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy on November 1, 2013. The Colorado Center on Law and Policy is a Denver-based nonprofit organization working to advance the health, economic security and well-being of low-income Coloradans through research, education...
The objective of this research is to analyze regional economic difference and explore the influencing factors, which would eventually provide an effective foundation to narrow the regional economic differences. In this paper, a new regional economic difference model is established considering the interactio...