【北京外国语大学】Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons(英文课)共计31条视频,包括:Introduction(Ⅰ)、Introduction(Ⅱ)、1.1 Traditional Ideas and Practices(Ⅰ)等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
【北京外国语大学】Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons(英文课)(17)(上)。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
Blair教授 和Jerusha McCormack博士合著的 Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons(《西中文明比照》,复旦大学出版社,2007 年第二版) 一直以来,就觉得中国和西方文明的比较,是一个非常有趣、吸引人但却不大容易深入浅出的选题,编写得当的话,既可以作为英语专业学生的研究课题,又可以作为普通大学生的通识教育...
Western civilization with Chinese comparisons = 西中文明比照 / 2nd ed 世博会是非贸易性的全球性展览会,其宗旨是促进世界各国经济,文化,科技的交流与发展,使每个参展国家能够利用这个机会宣传自己,向全世界展示自己在各领域所取得的成就,... Blair,JohnG - Western civilization with Chinese comparisons = 西中...
课程主讲: 所属机构: 所属分类:大学综合 下载方式:百度网盘【mp4】285.21MB 播放帮助:查看网盘播放说明 暂无预览 添加快捷方式到桌面 合集网盘下载Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons视频教程 John G. Blair 3讲 北京外国语大学的相关介绍 第1讲 WCwCC Why and How(Ⅰ).mp4 第2讲 WCwCC Why and ...
所属机构: 所属分类:大学综合 下载方式:百度网盘【mp4】2.74GB 播放帮助:查看网盘播放说明 暂无预览 添加快捷方式到桌面 合集网盘下载 Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons视频教程 John G. Blair 31讲 北京外国语大学的相关介绍 第10讲 WCwCC Encounter 2.1 Traditional Families(Ⅲ).mp4 ...
Our sourcebook on this subject is entitled WCwCC: Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons, currently in its 3rd edition from Fudan University Press in Shanghai. We expect to be completing rev…" [more]doi:10.1080/10261133.1998.9674109Karin...
第1讲 WCwCC Why and How(Ⅰ).mp4 第2讲 WCwCC Why and How(Ⅱ).mp4 第3讲 Western Civilization with Ch
Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons 热度: WesternCivilization,OurTraditionbyJamesKurth THEINTERCOLLEGIATEREVIEW—Fall2003/Spring2004 5 WesternCivilization,OurTradition JamesKurth Halfacenturyago,Westerncivilization wasacentralidea,andideal,inAmerican ...
and professional development. We explore commonalities and complementary potentials between Chinese and Western approaches, offering both theoretical comparisons and demonstrating practical applications through specific case studies, thereby enhancing the practical value and real-world significance of the findings....