Students Arrested as Riots Continue at Western Cape Nursing CollegeBYLINE: MARY-ANNE GONTSANACape Times (South Africa)
The mental health care environment is perceived to be a stressful clinical learning environment for nursing students to work in due to a myriad of factors. These factors include amongst other, the physical environment, the patient population, perceived student unpreparedness and the emotional demands ...
University of Cape Town University of Central England in Birmingham University of Central Florida University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Denver University of Compter Science, Milan University of Connecticut University of Crete...
Gillespie, R., Kyriacos, U. & Mayers, P. (2006) The critical care nursing workforce in Western Cape Hospitals - a descriptive study. South African Journal of Critical Care, 22 (2), 50-56.Gillespie, R. (2006) The critical care nursing workforce in Western Cape hospitals - a descriptive...
Western Cape Stems Nursing Brain DrainRead the full-text online article and more details about "Western Cape Stems Nursing Brain Drain" - Cape Times (South Africa), September 28, 2012Cape Times (South Africa)
Reflections of nursing students, lecturers and clinical supervisors in the Western Cape on large classesFakude, L. P.le Roux, L.Daniels, F.Scheepers, N.South African Journal of Higher Education
Reflections of nursing students, lecturers and clinical supervisors in the Western Cape on large classesdoi:10.20853/28-6-424L FakudeUnisa Press
The goal of the study was to evaluate the perceptions of student nurses regarding the effectiveness of the teaching methods which they experienced at a nursing college in the Western Cape Province. The objectives included an evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching methods as perceived and ...
2014. The experiences of undergraduate nursing students working in mental health care settings in the Western Cape, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 1 (1): 122-131. Mason, H.D. 2014. Heal thyself nurse: the development of a logotherapy based...
Experiences of undergraduate nursing students during clinical practice at health facilities in Western Cape, South Africa.doi:10.4102/CURATIONIS.V44I1.2127Fundiswa P. FadanaHilda F. VemberAOSIS