Western Cape Guest Farms / Guest farms offer an idyllic holiday retreat. Enjoy farm-life, warm hospitality, hearty country breakfasts and overnight ...
Added to this is an abundance of fresh produce such as fresh fruit and vegetables, milk straight from the udder and tasty condiments for your own pantry. The country-style stores source most of their stock daily from the surrounding farms. There is a growing community of artists in Napier,...
The Klein Berg River provides wine farms with water for irrigation during the dry summers. Viticulture The river valley and mountain foothills provide variousaspects, slopes and soil types for the planting of vineyards, giving wine estates an opportunity to experiment with many different varieties. So...
This study is focussed on farms situated in the Boland health district of the Cape Winelands, South Africa. The aim was to explore, understand, and describe the perceptions of farmers of having a trained lay health worker (LHW) on the farm. A qualitative study design was applied. Data were...
阿亚玛酒庄(AYAMA Winery)阿亚玛酒庄(AYAMA Winery)位于南非帕尔(Paarl)产区的斯兰特(Slent)农场内,靠近著名的开普酒乡(Cape winelands)。1685年,一名受到宗教迫害的法国难民马丁·泊松(Martin Pouisson)来到这片土地,并在1707年将其命名为“斯兰特”(Slent)。2005年,农场被意大利人买下,并于当年推出了“阿亚玛...
Luxury homes, properties, and mansions for sale in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa brought to you by Luxury Portfolio International®
and the whole of the intervening country was more or less built up. The considerable population was supported by the produce of surrounding farms, which were watered from wells. The court displayed many signs of wealth and power, and the king had under him a considerable number of satellite ...
Sheepfarming in the North Western Cape ProvinceLabuscagne, F.J.Farming in South Africa
关于“阿亚玛酒庄皮诺塔吉干红葡萄酒(Ayama Wines Slent Farms Pinotage, Western cape, South Africa) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自南非西开普产区的红葡萄酒。该酒呈深深的宝石红色,果香芬芳,带有成熟李子、樱桃的味道,回味悠长,含有覆盆子、泥土以及浆果的风味,优雅而和谐。可单独引用,或者与红肉类菜肴搭配。 猜...
南非South Africa>西开普省 Western Cape 酿酒葡萄: 长相思 风味特征: 平衡 干型 酒款年份: 2015年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“阿亚玛酒庄长相思干白葡萄酒(Ayama Wines Slent Farms Sauvignon Blanc, Western Cape, South Africa) ”的酒款综述 ...