An exploration of the alignment of learning theories with eTools at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) The impact of emerging technologies on authentic learning in higher education remains a coreconcern in the South African context. Learning Management Systems (LMSs) must includeemerging techn...
THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE SOILS OF THE SOUTH-WESTERN DISTRICTS OF THE CAPE COLONYdoi:10.1080/21560382.1900.9525961JuritzChas. F.Taylor & Francis GroupTransactions of the South African Philosophical Society
However, in the 1990s, the government of Botswana embarked on a set- tlement program, building designated communities to enable better service provision: construction of shelter for elderly persons, provision of food rations, clothing, water and health care services and education. Although these ...
Western Cape Department of Health: Draft Policy Framework for Community Participation/Governance Structures for Health. 2008 Google Scholar Cape Metropolitan Health Forums (CMHF): Minutes of Cape Metropolitan plenary. 2009, Cape Town Civic Centre, Unpublished Google Scholar Haricharan H: Challenges to...
Insecurity does not only interrupt education; it also poses an obstacle for development. Today, Turkana is the poorest and most marginalised county in relatively rich Kenya. For example, the construction of the road between Lokiriama and Lorengipi was stopped as the security of the construction ...
Farming conditions in the North-Western Cape Districts and their bearing on the scab problemDu Toit, R.Journal of the South African Veterinary Association
"For example, just this week we have seen an increase in the numbers arriving from the Eastern Cape."Grant said between January 30 and February 5 the Western Cape Education Department had placed an additional 1 571 learners from the Eastern Cape in schools, over a period of four school ...
Codling-moth control in Western districts of the Cape ProvincePettey, F.W.Farming in South Africa
The overall level of academic performance among secondary school students at the National Senior Certificate examination (Matric) in Western Cape Province (WCP) are under researched. This study aims to analyse spatial pattern of the distribution of 449 schools in WCP; determine the spatial patterns ...
Stephens, EL (1929) Freshwater aquatic vegetation of the south western districts. Botanical Features of the South Western Cape Province. Speciality Press, Wynberg, pp. 81-95Stephens EL 1929. Freshwater aquatic vegetation of the south-western districts. The botanical features of the south-western ...