Fig. 2. The main districts of the Western Cape province and its three distinct rainfall zones (South Africa). 2.2. Rainfall The Western Cape is the only province in South Africa which receives winter rainfall (May-Aug). Rainfall varies greatly, with average annual rainfall as high as 3345...
THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE SOILS OF THE SOUTH-WESTERN DISTRICTS OF THE CAPE COLONYdoi:10.1080/21560382.1900.9525961JuritzChas. F.Taylor & Francis GroupTransactions of the South African Philosophical Society
Over the past years, there has been a growing concern that a considerable amount of anti-malarial supply in the underdeveloped world particularly in the private sector, is of poor quality. The World Health Organization (WHO) has received about 1500 repor
Kac- gae -776 (380 males & 366 females), Bere – 874 (438 males & 436 females), Dekar -2814 (1382 males & Fig. 1 The map of Botswana showing the 5 study sites located in the Ghanzi and Kgalagadi districts: Kacgae, Bere, Lokgwabe, Dekar ...
Rau, W.W. 1986. Geologic map of the Humptulips quadrangle and adjacent areas, Grays Harbor County, Washington.Washington State Department of Natural Resources Geologic MapGM–33. Read, G., and K. Fauchald. (Ed.) 2021. World Polychaeta Database.NeodexiospiraPillai, 1970. Accessed through: ...
Moving beyond the specific and unique circumstances of the Western Cape, this analysis seeks to map the paths through which community participation is structured, functions, and relates to other sectors of society and to develop more generalizable factors for future research on community participation ...
Besides the old Bronze Age centre on the former ‘Athena Temple Island’, Palaimiletos (“Old Miletos”), as it was called by the 4th century historian Ephoros (FGrHist 70 F 127 = Strabo Geographica 14.1.6), new districts developed from modest beginnings: first of all around the Lion ...
With Hints for the Melioration of the Whole African Population … To Which is Added, an Appendix, Containing a Compendious Account of the Cape of Good Hope, Its Productions and Resources; with A variety of important Information, very necessary to be known by Persons about to Emigrate to that...
Codling-moth control in Western districts of the Cape ProvincePettey, F.W.Farming in South Africa
Farming conditions in the North-Western Cape Districts and their bearing on the scab problemDu Toit, R.Journal of the South African Veterinary Association