10x TBS, pH 7.6 (1 bottle, 50 ml)6. 10x Blocking Buffer and Antibody Diluent (1 bottle, 50 ml)7. Detection Reagent A (1 bottle, 30 ml)8. Detection Reagent B (1 bottle, 30 ml)9. Protocol Booklet(Note: This kit contains enough reagents to perform 5 blots.)...
可用BIO-RAD Trans-Blot Turbo 5x Transfer Buffer (1份 20ml) + ethanol (1份 20ml) + nanopure water (3份 60ml) (需预冷) 2A~2.5A,恒压25V,10min(可根据需要改变条件)BIO-RAD仪器。 2.4 封闭和敷一抗 将PVDF膜放入封闭液(1% milk in 1x TBST 含 0.1% Tween 20;或者3% BSA in 1x TBST 含...
Note:High molecular weight proteins may need a longer transfer time (seeWestern Blot Protocol for High Molecular Weight (HMW) Proteins). Western blotting Block the membrane with Blocking Solution (PBS with 3% BSA and 0.05% NaN3) for 2–5 hours at room temperature with gentle agitation. ...
解答:Western Blot一般上样30-100微克不等,结果跟目的蛋白的丰度、上样量、一二抗的量和抚育时间都有关系,也与显色时间长短有关。开始摸条件时,为了拿到阳性结果,各个步骤都可以量多一点时间长一点,当然背景也就出来了。要拿到好的结果,如果抗体好的话比较容易,抗体不好的话就需要反复地试了,当然有的不适合West...
Comparable results obtained with classic Western blotting protocol and Fast Western Blot Kit Researcher generated data using the Fast Western Blot Kit, ECL Substrate The Thermo Scientific Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit is a cost-effective means to obtain Western blot results quickly 文件和下载 证书 搜索...
一、Western Blot标准操作流程 1、样本制备 2、凝胶电泳 3、转膜 4、封闭 5、抗体孵育/检测 二、...
Westernblot试剂盒 3 Westar CHEMILUMINESCENTDETECTIONKITSFORHRP PRODUCTLINEDEVELOPED,PATENTEDANDPRODUCEDBYCYANAGENSRL Theperoxidase-catalyzedoxidationofluminolproducesaweakflashoflightat425nm.Theincorporationofanelectron transfermediator,orenhancer,intothebufferforcestheflashsignalintoaglowandgreatlyimprovestheanalytical ch...
This article reports the survey results for Western blot-related instruments and reagents, such as signal detection kits like ECL, gel preparations and precast gels, and transfer membranes, based on formal publications citing Western blotting. We also provide a typical Western blot prot...
转膜(Western blot成败的关键)用于western blot的杂交膜主要有两种:NC膜和PVDF膜,可依据目的蛋白与膜...
可用BIO-RAD Trans-Blot Turbo 5x Transfer Buffer (1份 20ml) + ethanol (1份 20ml) + nanopure water (3份 60ml) (需预冷)2A~2.5A,恒压25V,10min(可根据需要改变条件)BIO-RAD仪器。2.4 封闭和敷一抗 将PVDF膜放入封闭液(1% milk in 1x TBST + 0.1% Tween 20 )中,室温下封闭~1h,也...