The western banded gecko, like other geckos, is nocturnal. It avoids the heat of the day by hiding under logs, debris and within moist rock crevices. Geckos frequent rodent burrows where they hunt insects, spiders, baby scorpions and other small arthropods. Prey is stalked to within an inch...
This one and one other were found on a night where our main goal was to find a Gila monster, but alas, it was not to be. The banded geckos in this area were once considered a distinct subspecies, the Tucson Banded Gecko (C. v. bogerti). ...
COLEONYX VARIEGATUS (Western Banded Gecko)MOSS, CASEYMORALES, NOAHHerpetological Review
将“ Western Banded Gecko "自动翻译成 土耳其文 Batı Çizgili Gecko Glosbe Translate Batı Bantlı Geko Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Western Banded Gecko"翻译成 土耳其文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 您可以尝试更宽松的...
(such as Patton) in WWII knew it well, as did the German general staff. Though written 'about war,' it is used now as a guide to the psychology of competition in sports and business. In 'Wall Street,' for instance, Gordon Gecko told his apprentice to, "Read the Art of War", to...
Coleonyx variegatus (Western Banded Gecko). DietGardner, StephanieMendelson III, Joseph R
COLEONYX VARIEGATUS (Western Banded Gecko)MEDICA, PHILIP A.Herpetological Review
Johnson, JA, Brodie, ED (1974) Defensive behaviour of the western banded gecko, Coleonyx variegatus. Anim. Beh. 22: pp. 684-687Johnson, J. A., and Brodie, E. D. Jr. 1974 . Defensive behaviour of the western banded gecko, Coleonyx variegatus . Animal Behaviour 22: 684 – 687 . ,...
Predation on the black-throated sparrow Amphispiza bilineata (Cassin, 1850) and scavenging behaviour on the western banded gecko Coleonyx variegatus (Baird, 1858) by the glossy snake Arizona elegans Kennicott, 1859Miguel A MartinezManuel De Luna...
Sexual dimorphism in the banded dwarf gecko, Tropiocolotes helenae fasciatus (Gekkonidae) on the western Iranian plateau. Zoology in the Middle East 40(2007):33-38.Torki, F. (2007) Sexual dimorphism in the Banded Dwarf Gecko, Tropiocolotes helenae fasciatus (Gekkonidae) on the western ...