During recent years Western Australia has experienced an iron ore boom and with it a surge of applications for mining leases. As a result a problem of keeping the subsequent backlog of survey within reasonable limits has arisen. This article describes the procedures followed in carrying out a ...
(km) southwest of the township of Wiluna and 750 km northeast of Perth in the Northern Goldfields region of Western Australia. The Wiluna West Gold Project consists of seven granted mining leases occupying a total area of 85.8 square kilometers (km2). The Wiluna West Gold Project covers 25 ...
Western Australia’s land area is Crown land (that is, not private land). The majority of this comprises pastoral leases, reserves and “unallocated” Crown land. Approximately 7.6% of the State is set aside for conservation purposes. With such a large area managed by public authorities, the...
An Odd Couple: Mining Leases and Native Title Can Coexist - Western Australia V Brown [2014] HCA 8Whittaker, James
Due to the proximity of the leases to residential areas, significant portions of land are inaccessible for exploration. Near-surface contamination, as a result of historical mining and prospecting, also presents problems, as do the deep weathering profile and associated conductive overburden, which ...
For the central rangelands of Western Australia, these groups have included: government agencies, who have purchased some 9% of pastoral leases by area; private conservation organisations (<1% purchased); aboriginal communities and groups (similar to 7%); and mining companies (similar to 13%). ...
Field sites are in arid ( desert: summer and more effective winter rainfall) and semi-arid ( semi-desert: Mediterranean) regions of Western Australia on Crown Land, with all but one being on pastoral (rangeland) leases. Post-mining land use generally reverts to maintaining the natural ...