Beginning with missionization, this paper reviews the history of English and schooling in the Samoas to independence (in the case of Western Samoa) and post-World War II trusteeship (in the case of American Samoa). The discussion focuses on the social, political, economic and educational ...
Volunteer spay & neuter sterilization abroad in American and Western Samoa by Bend Veterinary Clinic's Dr. Byron Maas and Emma Clifford of Animal Balance. Newly developed Esterisol, funded by ACC&D.
NOAA CoRIS - Regional Portal - American Samoa The purpose of the CoRIS Regional Data Portal is to better serve users by presenting region-specific data in a clear, concise, and integrated way. The CoRI... US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 被引量: 0发表...
三月22日 (六) 0時29分 New Moon 三月28日 (五) 23時57分 Moon Phases for Fugalei Ridge, Western District, American Samoa in 2025 Showing moon phases for: LunationNew MoonFirst QuarterFull MoonThird QuarterDuration 12621月6日 (一)12時56分1月13日 (一)11時26分1月21日 (二)9時30分29...
Breaking news and top stories from Western District, American Samoa. The latest on the economy, politics, government, and business
Western Samoa- a constitutional monarchy on the western part of the islands of Samoa in the South Pacific Independent State of Samoa,Samoa,Samoa i Sisifo Samoan Islands,Samoa- a group of volcanic islands in the South Pacific midway between Hawaii and Australia; its climate and scenery and Polyne...
Samoan Islands political map with Samoa formerly known as Western Samoa and American Samoa and their capitals Apia and Pago Pago. English labeling and scaling. Illustration.,站酷海洛,一站式正版视觉内容平台,站酷旗下品牌.授权内容包含正版商业图片、艺术插画
(Currencies) the standard monetary unit of Samoa, divided into 100 sene Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ta•la (ˈtɑ lə) n., pl. -la. the basic ...
independent state in the South Pacific, covering 2840 km2(1097 sq mi). It is comprised of Upolu Island–area 430 sq mi; Savai'i Island–area 730 sq mi; and six small islets. Total population was about 100,000 in 1970. The eastern part of the Samoan chain comes underAmerican Samoa(q....
Tau is a peak in Western District, American Samoa and has an elevation of 110 metres. Tau is situated nearby to the village Malaeimi, as well as near the town Tafuna.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapPhoto: NASA, Public domain.Notable Places in the Area...