Westcott Designs是一家位于美国亚利桑那州菲尼克斯城的专业汽车改装公司,专注于SUV与皮卡车型的性能升级与外观定制,其业务涵盖丰田、雷克萨斯等品牌的经典车型。以下从品牌定位、改装特色、代表案例及行业影响力等方面展开说明。 一、品牌定位与核心业务 Westcott Designs以“提升车辆性能与美学平衡”为目...
这款由Westcott Designs改装的丰田陆地巡洋舰不仅展现了其在越野赛中的潜力,也展示了改装车市场的无限可能。
若对此车型不感兴趣,Westcott Designs近期推出的丰田LC改装版或许能吸引您的目光。这款新车装备了矩形大灯和Westcott特有的升降装置,同时配备了17寸Method Race Wheels 703系列轮毂,偏距35,以及35寸东洋轮胎,展现出独特的魅力。
TOY PACKAGE DESIGNS In the past, I was the Senior Art Director in charge of allgirl’s toy packagingand impulse toys at Oddzon / Hasbro. Now I design toy packaging for a large group of toy companies. I use the most talented illustrators to bring my visions to LIFE and complement my d...
Westcott brand focuses on creating innovative designs that provide style and quality to an assortment of school, craft, and office products. Winner of awards like the Teacher’s Choice and Good Design, Westcott continues to raise the bar. The inspiration that has gone into each of our products...
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, “ITDP”, designs and implements transport systems and policies that make cities more livable, equitable, and sustainable. I redeveloped and relaunched their website with improvements that got these results: We more than doubled the number of ...
During its heyday, the Westcott House not only embodied the innovative designs of Prairie School architecture, but also extended the concept of Wright to relate the building to its surroundings by a terrace, a pool, gardens and other landscape elements. Description & Materials Exterior The house ...
Westcott Optical Spot by Lindsay Adler for Profoto Mount with 50mm f/1.4 Lens, GOBO designs (11-Pack), Color Gels, Travel Case, Gobo Pack 2: Environmental (10-pack) and 64GB Memory Card Bundle Set $499.90 + FREE SHIPPINGAdd to cart OverviewSpecsReviewsQ & AMore From This SellerWarranty...
From the peaceful, rolling hills in the beautiful town of Harvard, Massachusetts, home of apple orchards and horse farms, we bring you the custom floral design work of Flowers at Westcott Barn. We are your resource for floral designs that are subtle and elegant. We strive for beauty through...
Featuring intuitive, travel-friendly designs, the Westcott FJ800 and FJ400 II strobes are powerful yet lightweight flashes perfect for long shoots in unpredictable places. Both strobes offer photographers fast recycling times, interchangeable long-lasting battery options, and OLED touchscree...