The West Wing(1999–2006) TV-14 TV Series|42 min|Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track Inside the lives of staffers in the West Wing of the White House. Read more:Plot summary Seasons 7|6|5|4|3|2|1See all Creator Aaron Sorkin(created by)(teleplay by)(written by)(story by) ...
skip to main content newsroom the white house west wing has a brand-new look a new batch of photos show 1600 pennsylvania avenue's face-lift, including changes to donald trump's oval office by nick mafi august 24, 2017 cranes are seen infront of the south front of the white house as ...
See White House West Wing's production, company, and contact information. Explore White House West Wing's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
The meeting started in the White House Situation Room, in the basement of the West Wing.───会议在白宫西侧地下室的情况室召开. He looked along to thewest wing, and saw that the library was a fire too.───他又往西翼看去, 看见图书室也起了火. ...
23.2-104 Oct 00In the Shadow of Two Gunmen: Part 1 24.2-204 Oct 00In the Shadow of Two Gunmen: Part 2 25.2-318 Oct 00The Midterms 26.2-425 Oct 00In This White House 27.2-501 Nov 00And It's Surely to Their Credit 28.2-608 Nov 00The Lame Duck Congress ...
【剧情简介】: 《白宫风云》(英语:The West Wing)是一部以政治为题材的美国电视连续剧,于1999年至2006年期间分七季放送播映,由原创人艾伦·索金担任前四季的剧本创作与监制工作,后两季的监制工作改由约翰·威尔士担任。本剧场景设定在美国总统官邸白宫的西翼,该处
The West Wing《白宫风云(1999)》第五季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 《白宫风云》第一季观剧笔记 热度: 正式完整版白宫风云第一季 热度: 片名:白宫风云(第亓季) 以下节目承蒙 Thefollowingprogramwasmadepossiblebyagrant... 布雷克班基金会 ...fromtheKennethC.andMaryE.BlackburnFoundation... ...
芭萝莎白宫酒店(Barossa White House the West Wing)住宿加早餐旅馆 10 Penrice Rd, 安格斯顿, 澳大利亚显示地图 若想要游览安格斯顿,芭萝莎白宫酒店将会是一个不错的的住宿之选。包括Angaston Heritage Walk、Barossa Old Rose Repository和Taste Eden Valley都在短距离内,入住酒店的旅客在该地区游览会很方便。酒店邻...
The West Wing ventured where no otherTV serieshad gone before: an extraordinarily intimate look at an American President and the inner workings of the White House. Here, are all episodes of the series that won 26 Emmys, including 4 for Outstanding Drama Series. Hail to chief - and to the...
The White House sweeps the West Wing for banned personal cell phones to try and stop leaksPat Ralph