The article reports on the balloting done by the West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development and Tourism Authority to raise tool fees on the turnpike in West Virginia. The move is undertaken to protect bondholders and insure that the toll road remains in good condition. Moreover, the tool ...
If leaving West Virginia, make sure you remove your E-Z Pass toll transponder from your vehicle to avoid incurring fees while your vehicle is being transported on the turnpike or other roads. If you’re an active duty military and have a license set to expire before you return to West Vir...
West Virginia Turnpike: ; Toll hike to help fix highway; Improvement budget jumps from $5M to $31M in one yearAlison Knezevich
Toll collections on the West Virginia Turnpike saw a rare upswingin July - thanks to bus traffic...Kabler, Phil
Turnpike passes toll hikes to pay for improvements ; York, New Gloucester and West Gardiner plazas will charge 25 cents more; the rise is 10 cents elsewhere.JEN FISH Staff Writer