A whole new generation can experience this reimagining of the beloved musical originally choreographed by Jerome Robbins, with music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and original book by Arthur Laurents. Ansel Elgort stars as Tony, a former member of the “Jets” street gang, ...
我爱它,爱Robbins的编舞,也爱它和罗密欧与朱丽叶间的互文,普世的内核,Sondheim的歌词... 但是,是Bernstein的音乐使它不朽。作为半个世纪来各大爱乐的保留曲目,演绎无数,所以想用日记来做标记,非专业纯属个人感受记录。我熟悉Maria的旋律,接触到的时间却很迟到,好在遇见了它,革新了我的观念,挽救了我对音乐剧的爱...
West Side Story: Prologue New York, New York: Leonard Bernstein on Broadway 莱奥纳德・伯恩斯坦 1985年1月1日试听 出演艺人 莱奥纳德・伯恩斯坦 指挥、 管弦乐队 Alexander Bernstein 对白 基莉· 迪· 卡娜娃 女高音 Jerome Robbins 指挥 何塞· 卡雷拉斯 男高音 Kurt Ollmann 男中音 Nina ...
Bernstein was to write only one other musical: a disastrous 1976 collaboration with Alan Jay Lerner called1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Laurents, Robbins and Sondheim, on the other hand, followedWest Side StorywithGypsy. The producer was again, Hal Prince, who would now become a key figure in the...
早在1949年,着名的百老汇编舞家杰洛姆·罗宾斯(Jerome Robbins)与着名音乐家李奥纳多·伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)开始计画将莎士比亚名剧罗密欧与茱丽叶改编成现代音乐剧,於是找来名剧作家亚瑟·劳伦斯(Arthur Laurents)参与作品编着。当时三人的构想是描述在曼哈顿城东区一位犹太裔少女与名义大利籍青年的激情热恋...
It was one heck of a challenge to attempt to match Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins’ 1961 film adaptation of Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim’s stage musicalWest Side Story. If there was one director up to the task it was filmmaking heavyweight for our times Steven Spielberg, and he’...
Bernstein, LeonardWest Side Story(1957) musical based on a conception of Jerome RobbinsDuration: 89'Music Text Book by Arthur Laurents, Lyrics Stephen SondheimScoring Reed I(=picc,fl,asax,cl).Reed II(=Ebcl,cl).Reed III(=bcl,tsax,cl,ob, corA).Reed IV(=cl,fl.picc,bsax).Reed V(bn...
這是6/1 (2022年1月6日,週四) 我在戲院關閉前看了Steven Spielberg 導演的新版 West Side Story 《西城故事》後,當晚在手機上錄下的觀後感。 《西城故事》是在1957年𧩙生的百老匯音樂劇,由四大幕後主創,Leonard Bernstein的曲,Stephen Sondheim的詞,Jerome Robbins編的舞,Arthur Laurents的劇本,成就了一部傳世...
The article discusses the musical "West Side Story" created by Stephen Sondheim, Arthur Laurents, Leonard Bernstein, and Jerome Robbins, with particular focus given to its portrayal of Latino/a characters and its critical reception from its debut in 1957 to the present. The inspiration for the ...