West Side Storyis famously a riff on Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”, the story of forbidden love between warring houses. It is made relevant for the modern age by rooting it in a specific time, place and culture, and makes for one of the darkest and most violent song and dance sho...
Recommended: Parthenope Review Between Janusz Kamiński’s sweeping cinematography and Adam Stockhausen’s towering production design, West Side Story rivals Dune for 2021’s most visually interesting picture. The cast gives the film a beating heart, however. Ansel Elgort paints Tony as a troubled you...
West Side Story 黄小邪 评论西区故事 2010-05-04 11:23:26 1961年歌舞片《西区故事》,百老汇歌舞剧改编,伯恩斯坦作曲。以歌舞片形式冷嘲热讽,展示社会问题:种族冲突,波多黎各移民,不幸家庭出身的孩子加入街头黑帮,"social disease”。有歌舞,幽默,黑帮打斗,浪漫故事(类似现代版罗密欧与朱丽叶),非旧式歌舞片的皆大...
but a remake ofWest Side Story, a signature achievement of the genre, not to mention an high-spirited expression of youthful energy and romance. But while Spielberg has at least half a century on
SinceWest Side Storyis based onRomeo & Juliet, Tony and Maria’s bliss is fleeting, as the tensions between the Jets and Sharks continue to come between the young lovers. Spielberg finds visually bold ways to frame all of it, maintaining the original film’s striking use of real New York...
SinceWest Side Storyis based onRomeo & Juliet, Tony and Maria’s bliss is fleeting, as the tensions between the Jets and Sharks continue to come between the young lovers. Spielberg finds visually bold ways to frame all of it, maintaining the original film’s striking use of real New York...
SinceWest Side Storyis based onRomeo & Juliet, Tony and Maria’s bliss is fleeting, as the tensions between the Jets and Sharks continue to come between the young lovers. Spielberg finds visually bold ways to frame all of it, maintaining the original film’s striking use of real New York...
SinceWest Side Storyis based onRomeo & Juliet, Tony and Maria’s bliss is fleeting, as the tensions between the Jets and Sharks continue to come between the young lovers. Spielberg finds visually bold ways to frame all of it, maintaining the original film’s striking use of real New York...
West Side Story 2021 ★★★ Rewatched Aug 13, 2024 Ariel Gomes’s review published on Letterboxd: Eu queria dar mais que 5 estrelas. Esse é provavelmente um dos maiores filmes dessa decada, se não o maior, e é um absurdo não ter ganhado melhor filme no Oscar daquele ano. Es...