在Apple Music 上欣赏基莉 ·迪· 卡娜娃, 何塞 · 卡雷拉斯, Leonard Bernstein Orchestra & 莱奥纳德・伯恩斯坦的《West Side Story: IX. One Hand, One Heart》。1985年。时长:5:40
在Apple Music 上欣赏莱奥纳德・伯恩斯坦的《West Side Story: 16. Taunting Scene》。1985年。时长:1:20
《West Side Story》(西区故事)最初为音乐剧作品,后来改编成电影,捧得多座奥斯卡金像奖,原声专辑也成为 60 年代美国最畅销的专辑之一。故事框架改编自莎士比亚名著《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,但是背景变为了纽约的移民群体:曼哈顿西部贫民区的两大派“火箭帮”和“鲨鱼帮”,在配乐的烘托中,燃烧着势不两立的焰火,而男女主...
《West Side Story》(西区故事)最初为音乐剧作品,后来改编成电影,捧得多座奥斯卡金像奖,原声专辑也成为 60 年代美国最畅销的专辑之一。故事框架改编自莎士比亚名著《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,但是背景变为了纽约的移民群体:曼哈顿西部贫民区的两大派“火箭帮”和“鲨鱼帮”,在配乐的烘托中,燃烧着势不两立的焰火,而男女主...
It is expected that the new soundtrack will include all the beloved songs from the originalWest Side Storysoundtrack, composed by Bernstein with lyrics by Sondheim, which includes ‘Maria’, ‘Tonight’, ‘America’, ‘Somewhere’, ‘I Feel Pretty’ and ‘Gee Officer Krupke’. ...
West Side Story famously rewrites Romeo and Juliet into a drama of 20th-century urban gang warfare. Arthur Laurents' book ingeniously reassigns characters and converts the narrative, preserving many of the tensions and ironies that complicate Shakespeare's play while developing a story with its own...
Pretty.'" According to Den of Geek, Spielberg noted it had "less to do with Sondheim’s retroactive disdain for the self-aware lyrics he wrote and more to do with Spielberg’s intent on staying as close to the structure of the original 1957 Broadway production ...
Animating this timeless story of love and hate are the music of Leonard Bernstein and the lyrics of Stephen Sondheim, two of the giants of American music. The complexity of the score and the demands on the performers and musicians represent a...
Philip Jones Brass Ensemble: West Side Story Suite & Little Threepenny Music的乐评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) "Philip Jones Brass Ensemble: West Side Story Suite & Little Threepenny Mu..."的论坛 ··· 第一个在"Philip Jones Brass Ensemble: West Side Story Suite & Little Threepenny Music"...
在Apple Music 上欣赏纳丁・塞拉, Les Frivolités Parisiennes & 贾科莫・萨格里潘提的《West Side Story: I Feel Pretty》。2024年。时长:2:10