Original lyrics of Maria song by Westside Story. 2 users explained Maria meaning. Find more of Westside Story lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. Comment and share your favourite lyrics.
In particular, the screenwriter explained how the original film "divides along gender lines." Kushner outlines that "The male side is the white side, and it’s the Jets. But on the Puerto Rican side, the story is carried not by the men, but the women,” referring to Maria and Anita b...
Image:Rita Moreno (L) and Ariana DeBose (R) as Anita in the 1961 and 2021 versions of West Side Story. Pics: United Artists/Kobal/Shutterstock and 20th Century Studios "The fact that we're able to usher this musical into a new generation is such an honour," ...
“You look at those photos and you see these people, you really see the nihilism that exists, you see their inability to see past tomorrow, or even today for that matter,” Faist explained. “There’s something depressing about it. There’s something sad about it. There’s also something...
When the auspicious moment arrives, the carver inserts the previously listed items into the cavity and plugs it with a piece of wood. The objects placed in the cavity are important clues regarding how people conceptualize deities. Local inhabitants explained to me that the ashes or talisman symbol...
story, the thing that needs to be resolved in the story, usually by some action that cements or reinforces the couple. It can be difficult to break out of this framework, to imagine other things, partly because it is so very common and societally reinforced. In polyamory communities, folks...
Cropper reportedly hated the sound and feel of new guitar strings — something, he says, is no longer the case in old age — and in a lip-smacking good tidbit of studio lore, explained how he managed his unique sound. "I carry a thing of ChapStick all the ...
I don't know if that's...yes, that's fair, because the [1961] film had a lot of things that were wrong with it, aside from the fact that it had a lot of things that were very right," Moreno explained, adding that she was one of the few Puerto Ricans in the cast. "That's...
From the very start of Steven Spielberg'sWest Side Story, this superb filmmaker distinguishes his spectacular remake from its classic predecessor, and he does it with dirt. The familiar whistle of the overture plays across a quiet construction site, where rubble and ruins give clues to the ap...
Levin explained to Argutel the function of the North Star and said, “As long as you rest in the daytime and walk towards the brightest star at night, you would be able to walk out of the desert.” Argutel did as he was told. Three days later, he came to the edge of the desert...