I agree with Haslanger’s argument that one’s analysis of the intersecting terminologies of race, sex, and gender rests upon the framing of one’s personal and political identities in problematic and repressive social systems that both men and women ought to object to. This enables women to ...
(images from)Li Zhuowu’s late-16th-century critique, and a circa1835 Japanese translation. Here, I’d like to add another, theNewly Annotated Journey to the West With Illustrations(Xinshuo Xiyouji tuxiang, 新說西遊記圖像, 1888). The original text and commentary are the same, but this ...
But I have three problems with this critique. One, saying that something is just a theory does not address the point raised by Lam (2005). As noted above, anyone who disagrees needs to provide a counterargument with cited evidence. Two, just because something isn’t openly stated doesn’t...
1. The chapter on the pharmaceutical industry critiqued Schering’s monopoly on ‘ovulation inhibitors’, and indicted Duogynon not for causing birth defects, but for generating unconscionably high-profit margins due to state ignorance for regulation and safety: ‘Our abdomen: their best business...
“traumatized” by Paul’s sudden appearance in their nightmares — that the film engages in an effective critique of cancel culture. When pushed into a corner by false and baseless allegations, and with nowhere else to turn, might the White male become the very thing society is accusing him...
Cet animal est très méchant. Quand on l’attaque, il se défend.I was reminded of this old French saying the other day, when, in what was quite a stark critique of the western rite, a certain priest-blogger accused those who questioned his theses of being overly defensive! In his host...
Critique and discussion. When you picked up your new bike, did they take the time to make it fit you? You'll learn the amazing difference a properly setup bike makes to your riding fun. Maybe you're already feeling knots and kinks in your muscles after a long ride? It may not be ...
Shariati,MarxismandOtherWesternFallacies:AnIslamicCritique,trans.R. Campbell(Berkeley:Mizan,1980).Cf. A. Shariati,Hajj (The Pilgrimage)(Nottingham:Jubilee,1993).Cf. A. Shariati,FatimaIs Fatima(Tehran:TheShariatiFoundation,1971).Cultural Relativismand Antisemitism95 of Velayat-e faqih...
In contrast, the concept of ‘spacetime entanglement’ is proposed to develop a necessary analysis as well as a critique of the transnationalization of capitalist colonial relations via discourses and practices of contemporary IHE.This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution ...
But as I note in my 06-19-22 critique of the G1 Death Battle Fan Blog, “…it doesn’t work as Monkey was able to hide in a cooler part of the furnace. But we don’t know if this plan would have worked even if Sun had been stuck in direct heat. This is confusing an ‘in...