西点军校 United States Military Academy,是一所Public学校,位于美国中大西洋地区的West Point,位列USNews | 2012全美高中升学顾问推荐的全国文理学院大学排名 No.#1 | 2012年美国最佳公立文理学院排名- No.#1 | 2012年美国大学本科土木工程专业排名 No.#2。西点军校最
(redirected fromUnited States Military Academy at West Point) Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. United States Military Academy- a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Army ...
United States Military Academy, at West Point, N.Y.; for training young men and women to be officers in the U.S. army; founded and opened in 1802. The original act provided that the Corps of Engineers stationed at West Point should constitute a military academy, but the growing threat ...
美国西点军事学院(The United States Military Academy at West Point),常被称为西点军校。西点军校是美国第一所军事学校,位于纽约州西点(哈德逊河西岸),距离纽约市约80公里。学校占地1万6千英亩(约6千5百公亩)。西点军校的校训是“责任、荣誉、国家”,该校是美国历史最悠久的军事学院之一。它曾与英国桑赫斯特皇家...
美国西点军事学院(The United States Military Academy at West Point),常被称为西点军校。西点军校是美国第一所军事学校,位于纽约州西点(哈德逊河西岸),距离纽约市约80公里。学校占地1万6千英亩(约6千5百公亩)。西点军校的校训是“责任、荣誉、国家”,该校是美国历史最悠久的军事学院之一。它曾与英国桑赫斯特皇家...
United States Military Academy at West Point has an acceptance rate of 14%. Half the applicants admitted to West Point who submitted test scores have an SAT score between 1200 and 1430 or an ACT score of 28 and 33. However, one quarter of admitted applicants achieved scores above these rang...
Find everything you need to know about United States Military Academy at West Point, including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.
学校地址 纽约州,West Point 电话 - 西点军校(西点) 概况 西点军校(西点)创办于1802年,坐落于纽约州,West Point,地理位置优越,环境优美。录取率达到0.11。在校学生人数4624人,作为被中国教育部认可的大学... 如需联系该校,请拨打电话133-9761-7554 阅读全部 > 国际生 -- 学费 -- 人数 师生比 -...
How is United States Military Academy at West Point abbreviated? USMAWP stands for United States Military Academy at West Point. USMAWP is defined as United States Military Academy at West Point very rarely.