What is West Japan Railway Co(TSE:9021)'s stock price today? The current price of TSE:9021 is 円2840.50. The 52 week high of TSE:9021 is 円3327.00 and 52 week low is 円2400.50. When is next earnings date of West Japan Railway Co(TSE:9021)? The next earnings date of West Jap...
West Japan Railway Company provides railway transport services in Japan. The company operates through Mobility, Retail, Real Estate, Travel and Regional Solutions, and Other segments. The Mobility segment provides passenger transportation, station operation and management, cleaning and maintenance, constructi...
WJRYYWest Japan Railway Company Stock Price & Overview Follow115 followers $19.650.099 (+0.51%)3:50 PM 02/21/25 Pink Limited Info |$USD |Market Close WJRYY Analysis Rumo: Chugging Ahead With Brazil's Largest Railway Network Investing Groups Covering WJRYY ...
West Japan Railway Company WJRY.Y OTCPK:WJRY.Y Multiples Valuation: EV / Revenue 分享保存 股票价格 20.00 USD 公允价值 23.55 USD 看涨 18.3% LTM Revenue Multiple Proj Revenue Multiple Fair Value Benchmark Editor Select LTM Revenue Multiple Benchmark Companies 9008 9083 9085 9042 9068 WJRY.Y...
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公司名称WEST JAPAN RAILWAY CO 成立日期1987 CEOMr. Kazuaki Hasegawa 所属市场粉单 员工数量60120 年结日03-31 公司地址2-4-24 Shibata,Kita-Ku 城市Osaka 省份大阪府 国家日本 邮编530-8341 电话81-6-6376-6060 网址http://www.westjr.co.jp
West Japan Railway Co (9021:TYO) financials, including income statements, growth rates, balance sheets and cash flow information.
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West Japan Railway Co. advanced stock charts by MarketWatch. View 9021 historial stock data and compare to other stocks and exchanges.
相比竞争对手,West Japan Railway的股东应占净利润(持续经营业务)复合年均增长率(10年)基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与West Japan Railway Company相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 West Japan Railway的股东应占净利润(持续经营业务)复合年均增长率(10年)基准...