Al Zakarian Featured in Valley Life, West Hartford Life and the Simsbury PatchWhitakerG. Warren
New CFOG Board members include (from left): Arielle Levin Becker, Robert Frahm, Mike Savino, Marie Shanahan. Submitted photo The Connecticut Foundation for Open Government has added several new board members and elected a new slate of officers, including several West Hartford residents. Subm...
Every so often, someone finds a loophole in the zoning ordinance, exploits it, ruins neighborhoods, and then shames City Council into closing it using yet another zoning patch. This process is not unique to our city. The “Vancouver Special” was a 1980s abuse of accessory unit regulation, ...
Every so often, someone finds a loophole in the zoning ordinance, exploits it, ruins neighborhoods, and then shames City Council into closing it using yet another zoning patch. This process is not unique to our city. The “Vancouver Special” was a 1980s abuse of accessory unit regulation, ...