Free Throw is coming to West End Cultural Centre in Winnipeg on Jun 13, 2024. Find tickets and get exclusive concert information, all at Bandsintown.
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交换区天气-22℃/-15℃ Windsor Park Nordic Centre天气-22℃/-15℃ Canada Life Centre天气-22℃/-15℃ 阿西尼博因公园天气-22℃/-15℃ 温尼伯美术馆天气-22℃/-15℃ Winnipeg Convention Centre天气-22℃/-15℃ Kildonan Park天气-22℃/-15℃ Scotiabank Theatre - Winnipeg天气-22℃/-15℃ Landmark...
At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news. 7. What did the researchers discover in northern Kenya? A. Three species of humans. B. Three human fossils. C. A human skull. D. A human tooth. 8. What was the ...