Within West Des Moines Community School District, 100.0% of teachers are licensed. The student-to-teacher ratio is higher than the state average, at 15:1. The district has 11 full-time counselors on staff. Student-teacher ratio 15:1State average: 15:1 Percentage of teachers who are certifie...
Woodland Hills Elementary School is a public school located in West Des Moines, IA, which is in a fringe rural setting. The student population of Woodland Hills Elementary School is 537 and the school serves K-5. At Woodland Hills Elementary School, 78% of students scored at or above the ...
Stilwell Junior High School is a public school located in West Des Moines, IA, which is in a small city setting. The student population of Stilwell Junior High School is 684 and the school serves 7-8. At Stilwell Junior High School, 64% of students scored at or above the proficient leve...