West Coast Trail Express Inc. provides shuttle bus service (May 1 to September 30) from Victoria and Nanaimo to the trail heads and between the trail heads of the West Coast Trail and the Juan de Fuca Trail. The West Coast Trail Bus picks up and drops off passengers at Victoria, Sooke,...
arrange to get to the trailhead as well as from your exit trailhead. MostWest Coast Trailhikers drive to one trailhead then bus to the other and hike back to their car. Others take the West Coast Express bus from Victoria to one of the trailheads and take the same bus back to Victoria...
West Coast Trail第27公里处簇希亚海角的天然拱门东侧 West Coast Trail第48公里处波妮拉海角附近的海岸 West Coast Trail第46公里处卡曼那小溪上的滑车,图片来自贾斯汀沃克 West Coast Trail第56公里处的“楼根溪”之上的悬索吊桥 West Coast Trail第4公里处附近的千年古树 West Coast Trail徒步线路在海岸和岸边森林...
历时7天6晚的West Coast Trail重装徒步在上周六结束。这条路线在加拿大西部温哥华岛西南沿岸,与美国奥林匹克国家公园隔海相望,早年是当地原住民相互交流所走的道路,也是百年前各种海难发生时幸存者的逃生之路,可以看到太平洋沿岸各种风光地貌。官方地图标定路线75公里,自己手表上上下下实测走了90.16公里,流了大致超过142...
Kiwi Journeys are excited to release the new ‘Gorge on Cycle and Scenery’ tour. As the name suggests, this one-day tour has it all, including a guided tour of the spectacular Hokitika Gorge and an amazing bike ride on the West Coast Wilderness Trail.
West Coast Trail Runs West Coast Trail Runs is a trail racing company based out of Northern California. Our courses are located in beautiful scenic parks, providing breath-taking views and an experience in nature that will captivate your spirit and revitalize your soul. Our mission is to ...
Cycle Journeys provides self-guided cycling packages on the West Coast Wilderness Trail. From self-guided packaged tours, bike hire and luggage transfers, to shuttles and accommodation, we have everything you need to ride the West Coast Trail. ...
Stretching from Greymouth’s historic port to the neat old gold town of Ross, the easy West Coast Wilderness Trail takes cyclists on a journey through incredible natural landscapes and back in time, with tales of Māori pounamu (greenstone) and the glitt
West Coast Trail 1/0 West Coast Trail 1.4 热度 不列颠哥伦比亚省 加拿大 地图·周边 达人笔记 探索另一个的神秘的步道 半岛环游 664 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 FATHOM 西北菜 直线距离2.4km Callisto 酒吧/酒馆 直线距...
ThePachena Bay Campgroundis the closest campsite to the Pachena trailhead, not on theWest Coast Trail, but near the trailhead.. Located on the far end of Pachena Beach, and about a 10 minute walk from the trailhead and theWest Coast Trailregistration building. Keep in mind that this is...