Access to medical care reported by Asians and Pacific Islanders in a west coast physician group association. Med Care Res Rev. 2000;57:196±215.Snyder RE, Cunningham W, Nakazono TT, Hays RD. Access to medical care reported by Asians and Pa- cific Islanders in a West Coast physician group...
The majority of respondents indicated that vultures are used for different reasons such as medical, mystical or cultural practises (55.5%). That 16.4% claimed to have used vultures for themselves does not sound much, but considering 300,000 inhabitants in the vicinity of CNP [34] this would me...
Government Contracts - Money, Defense Contractor List WEST COAST RUBBER RECYCLING, INC. ... WESTERN DRILLING COMPANY, LLC. for Federal Government Contracts, Government Contracts,Defense Contracts,Federal Government Contracts,Weapons Systems,Products,Serv
One of these routes crossed the deserts of southern Central and south- west Asia and the other traversed the coast through nautical routes from India and up the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Rice gradually increased in culinary significance across South Asia and eventually spread into Central and...
Located in the so-called “Dahomey Gap” which is a low-rainfall dry corridor separating Guinean rainforest blocks [10], the Republic of Benin does not have as much forest zones compared to its neighboring countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, and Ivory Coast. Nevertheless, more than 22% of ...
K.V. SalakoLaboratoire de Biomathématiques et d’Estimation Forestière, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, BeninK. PerekoUniversity of Cape Coast, School of Medical Sciences, Department of Community Medicine, GhanaB. Deme...
fluviatilis populations: (1) Middle East (Israel, Syria and southern Turkey); (2) Guadiana (Guadiana basin with the Zùjar and Esteras rivers that flow on the European Atlantic coast); (3) Algeria-Verde (in southern Spain and Algeria with the Verde River and Oued Boughzazene); (4) ...
Given the large mangrove degradation along the West-African coast, efforts are being made to protect them from further degradation and to restore the degraded patches. Areas encompassing a large extent of mangrove are being massively designated as “protected areas” for an effective conservation of ...
“Internet of things” OR “Machine learning” OR “Automated learning” OR Blockchain OR “Big data” OR “Data science” OR “Wireless technologies” OR “Mobile network” OR “Sensor network”) AND (Benin OR Nigeria OR “Ivory Coast” OR “Cote d’Ivoire” OR Ghana OR “Burkina Faso...
An Analysis of the Public Perception of Flood Risk on the Belgian Coast. Risk Anal. 2011, 31, 1055–1068. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ardaya, A.B.; Evers, M.; Ribbe, L. What Influences Disaster Risk Perception? Intervention Measures, Flood and Landslide Risk Perception of the Population...